5265 International Blvd
North Charleston, SC 29418

Colonel Jason H. Parker is the Commander of the 628th Air Base Wing and Joint Base Charleston. As host to over 60 DoD and Federal agencies, the Wing provides installation support to a total force of over 90,000 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, civilians, dependents, and retirees across an installation that accounts for $10.7 billion in local economic activity. In addition, the Wing provides mission-ready expeditionary Airmen to Combatant Commanders in support of Joint and Combined operations worldwide. As the Commander, he is responsible for $7.5 billion in base property and capital assets and controls an annual budget exceeding $172 million.
1999 Associate of Applied Science, Information Systems Technology, Community
College of the Air Force
2002 Bachelor of Science, Computer Information Systems Management, Colorado
Christian University, Lakewood, CO 2004 Air & Space Basic Course, Maxwell AFB,
2007 Master of Arts, Computer Resources & Information Management, Webster University, St. Louis, MO
2008 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL
2013 Air Command & Staff College (by correspondence)
2016 Master of Arts, Defense & Strategic Studies, College of Naval Command & Staff, Newport, RI
2020 Master of Science, National Security Strategy, National War College, Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C.
1.July 1993 – October 1993, Basic Military Trainee & Technical School Trainee, Lackland AFB, TX & Keesler AFB, MS
2.October 1993-April 1997, Senior Emergency Actions Controller, 43rd Air Refueling Wing, and later 341st Missile Wing, Malmstrom AFB, MT
3.April 1997-April 1998, Search & Rescue Controller, 607th Combat Operations Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of Korea
4.April 1998-April 2000, Senior Emergency Actions Controller, and later Wing Command Post Training Manager, 86th Airlift Wing, Ramstein AB, Germany
5.April 2000-May 2001, NCOIC, Emergency Actions Policy & Procedures, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany
6.May 2001-Feb 2003, Senior Emergency Actions Controller, Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, Cheyenne Mountain AFS, CO
7.Feb 2003-May 2003, Officer Trainee, Officer Training School, Maxwell AFB, AL
8.May 2003-May 2004, Communications Liaison to Headquarters North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command, 21st Space Communications Squadron, Peterson AFB, CO
9.May 2004-May 2006, Deputy Flight Commander, Information Systems Flight, 21st Space Communications Squadron, Peterson AFB, CO
10.May 2006-May 2008, Officer in Charge, Information Operations, 15th Air Mobility Operations Squadron, Travis AFB, CA
11.May 2008-May 2009, Integrations Flight Commander, 15th Air Mobility Operations Squadron, Travis AFB, CA
12.May 2009-May 2010, Executive Officer to the Deputy Commander, Third Air Force, Headquarters Third Air Force, Ramstein AB, Germany
13.May 2010-July 2011, Special Action Officer to the Commander, United States Air Forces in Europe, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany
14.July 2011-May 2012, Chief, Force Management Branch, Directorate of Communications, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany
15.May 2012-May 2013, Cyberspace Operations Officer Functional Manager and Chief, Force Management Branch, Directorate of Communications, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, Ramstein AB, Germany
16. May 2013-August 2013, Chief, Force Development and Section Commander, Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, TX
17. August 2013-June 2015, Chief, Cyberspace Operations Officer Assignments, Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, TX
18. July 2015-June 2016, Student, College of Naval Command and Staff, Naval War College, Naval Station Newport, RI
19. June 2016-July 2018, Commander, 375th Communications Squadron, Scott AFB, IL
20. July 2018-July 2019, Executive Officer to the Commander, Eighteenth Air Force, Scott AFB, IL
21. July 2019-June 2020, Student, National War College, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C.
22. June 2020-February 2021, Chief, C4 Plans Branch, and later Deputy Division Chief, Plans & Integration, Directorate of Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber, Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Arlington, VA
23. February 2021-June 2022, Chief, Strategic Initiatives Group, Directorate of Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber, Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Arlington, VA
24. June 2022-July 2024, Commander, 6th Mission Support Group, MacDill AFB, FL
25. July 2024 – Present, Commander, 628th Air Base Wing, and Commander, Joint Base Charleston, SC
1. June 2020-February 2021, Chief, C4 Plans, and later Deputy Division Chief, Plans & Integration,
Directorate of Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber, Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Arlington, VA, as a Lieutenant Colonel
2. February 2021-June 2022, Chief, Strategic Initiatives Group, Directorate of Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber, Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Arlington, VA, as a Colonel
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Meritorious Service Medal with six oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster
Air and Space Commendation Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Air and Space Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Meritorious Unit Award with two oak leaf clusters
Meritorious Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
Air and Space Outstanding Unit Award with twelve oak leaf clusters
Air and Space Organizational Excellence Award with one oak leaf cluster
Second Lieutenant May 16, 2003
First Lieutenant May 16, 2005
Captain May 16, 2007
Major April 1, 2013
Lieutenant Colonel December 1, 2016
Colonel March 1, 2021
(Current as of July 2024)